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DrySign - The Next Big Thing in Electronic Signatures

DrySign Author
Digital transformation is changing the way the world interacts and conducts business. Consistent with this trend, Exela is excited to introduce ‘DrySign,’ our convenient and…

DrySign - Where Businesses Feel Secure and Guarded

DrySign Author
DrySign- Where businesses feel secure In the digital age, impersonation and cyber-crime are a hidden menace to the growth of businesses across the globe. Trust, once broken,…

Ink Sign to DrySign: For the Spirit of Kaizen

DrySign Author
Exela constantly aims to change for the better in the field of technology and is breaking the anomaly of using paper while opting for paperless transactions. E-signature…

Signing Documents - The Old School Way Vs. The Contemporary Ways

DrySign Author
How far have we come in recasting our old school ways from using a quill pen to a fountain pen to a ball pen or a gel pen for writing or signing or scribbling or doodling?…

Seamless Remote Work with Electronic Signatures

DrySign Author
Technology cannot prevent the onset of a pandemic. However, it can help prevent the spread, educate, and noticeably lessen its impact. Due to transportation being partially or…

5 Ways to Digitally Transform your Business with eSignatures

Nisha Pillay
Industries all around the world have stepped into an era of digitization, where age-old practices have gradually moved aside, quicker and more intelligent methods of working have…