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12 Must-Use Digital Tools for HR Departments

Pooja Patil
Over the years, the role of the Human Resources (HR) department has undergone a significant transformation. In addition to recruiting and onboarding new employees, HR…

eSignatures: The Key to Efficient and Patient-Centric Healthcare in 2023

Vijith Menon
eHealth, or electronic health, refers to the use of digital technology to improve healthcare services, such as electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, mobile health, and…

How eSignatures & the Cloud Drive Digital Transformation

Vijith Menon
The COVID-19 pandemic was a big enabler for organizations looking to take the digital route. This is supported by a survey by LogicMonitor, a cloud-based infrastructure monitoring…

Improve Team Collaboration with the Help of eSignatures

Vijith Menon
Coordination in the face of sudden challenges such as lockdowns or social distancing can make or break a team. The word “collaboration” has become a bit of a corporate buzzword,…

DrySign 2.0 | E-signatures for the future

Avantika Joglekar
In a world that's increasingly moving towards digitalization, electronic signatures (e-signatures) have become an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike. They offer a…

Which Industries Must Use Digital Signature Solutions and Why?

Pooja Patil
Digital signature technology has been around since the start of the new millennium. In 2000, the United States passed the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act…