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Reduce Office Workload and increase productivity: 5 Steps to achieve efficiency!

Avantika Joglekar
Even with the proliferation of technology and digitalization into our workspaces, several crucial departments are still held back by traditional, time-consuming processes. Take,…

Top Digital Trends to watch out for in Business!

Ruelha Mascarenhas
The future is completely open, and we are writing it from moment to moment. These words by Pema Chodron imply that the best way to transform your future is by designing it – today…

The Role of Electronic Signatures in the Digital Economy

Nidhi Prasad
The digital economy, also known as the ‘Internet economy,’ is taking shape and transforming conventional notions about how businesses are structured and how consumers obtain goods…

How are Electronic Signatures becoming a hit in the Property Market?

Nidhi Prasad
Contractors and agents deal with a sizable amount of paperwork daily. Real-Estate and Property offices are almost always cluttered with Sales Agreements, Affidavits, Leases,…

The ways Electronic Signatures are driving ROI

Pooja Patil
The International Data Corporation (IDC) revealed that 65% of the global GDP would be digitalized by 2022. Today, the world has moved towards a digital era, embracing intelligent…

Implementation of Electronic Signatures in Healthcare Organizations

Nidhi Prasad
With the dawn of digitization, just like most other market sectors, more and more healthcare industries aspire to make their processes paperless. The reason is significant…